The 1st International Round Table on Polychromy in Ancient Sculpture and Architecture was held at the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek in Copenhagen from 9-10 September 2009.

The meeting, hosted by the Department of Xxxx, took place in xxxxx. It was open primarily to members of the International Polychromy Network and to colleagues from co-operating institutions but, also welcomed curators, scientists, conservators and students to whom the subject is of interest.The main focus was on the Classical world.



Friday 9 November 2018

9.00 – 9.30   Registration

9.30 – 9.40   Welcome

Session 1                                                                             Chair: Jan Stubbe Østergaard

9.45 – 10.10   ‘From textile to fictile’. Large-scale painted terracotta statues from Salamis and the role of polychromy in defining regional sculptural style in Cyprus.

Thomas Kiely 

10.10 – 10.35   Anaschetos, a youth from Kalymnos. On the colouring of an East Greek kouros.

Elena Walter-Karydi and Hariclia Brecoulaki

10.35 – 11.00   The Polychromy of  the Frieze of the Siphnian Treasury at Delphi: New Investigations, New Results, New Archaeological and Historical Questions.

Phillipe Jockey, Philippe Walter, Matthias Alfeld, Maud Mulliez and Jonathan Devogelaere

11.00 – 11.20   TEA/COFFEE & POSTERS

Session 2                                                                             Chair: Peter Higgs

11.20 – 11.45   The Architectural Polychromy on the Athenian Acropolis. New data obtained through recent in situ noninvasive analytical investigation of the colour remains on the Parthenon and Propylaea.

Eleni Aggelakopoulou, Sophia Sotiropoulou and Georgios Karagiannis

11.45– 12.10   New non-invasive/non-contact investigations of the polychromy of the Parthenon sculptures at the British Museum and their interpretation.

Giovanni Verri, Tracey Sweek, Katarzyna Węgłowska, Michelle Hercules, William Wootton, Hero Granger-Taylor and Stephanie Vasiliou

12.10 – 12.35   Investigating drawing and painting techniques on a monumental cist tomb of the late 4th century BC from Pella, Macedonia (“Tomb of the Philosophers”).

Hariclia Brecoulaki, Giovanni Verri and Myrina Kalaitzi

12.35 – 13.35   LUNCH (not provided)

Session 3                                                                             Chair: Hariclia Brecoulaki

13.35 – 14.00   A 4th century BC wooden coffin with syrens from Saqqara, Egypt. Polychromy and meaning.

Cristina Boschetti

14.00 – 14.25   Colour and Light: a Hellenistic terracotta figurine of a Maenad from Myrina in the National Museum, Athens.

Brigitte BourgeoisGiovanni Verri, Violaine Jeammet and Christina Avronidaki

14.25 – 14.50  Preliminary evidence for trends in pigment use in Graeco-Roman funerary portraits from Egypt at The British Museum.

Joanne Dyer and Nicola Newman

14.50 – 15.10   TEA/COFFEE & POSTERS

Session 4                                                                             Chair: Sushma Jansari

15.10 -15.35   An Achaemenid God in Colour.

Susanne Ebbinghaus  and Katherine Eremin

15.35 - 16.00  Polychromy on Hellenistic-Parthian terracottas from Babylonia

St John Simpson 

16.00 – 16.25   Painted sculpture from Parthian Kurdistan.

John MacGinnis, Joanne Dyer, Lucia Pereira-Pardo and Peter Higgs 

16.25 – 16.50   New research about polychromy and gilding on Gandharan stone, stucco and clay sculptures.

Simona Pannuzi, Franco Talarico, Giuseppe Guida, Ilaria Bonaduce and Anna Lluveras-Tenorio

17.00 FINISH

19.00 – 21.00   Speakers' dinner at the Great Court Restaurant

Saturday 10 November

Session 5                                                                             Chair: Joanne Dyer

9.45 - 10.10   Palmyrene polychromy: Investigations of funerary portraits from Palmyra in the collections of the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek.

Signe BuccarellaHedegaard and Cecilie Brøns

10.10 – 10.35   Mithras’ colours.

Susanna Bracci, Roberta Iannaccone, Sara Lenzi, Paolo Liverani, Donata Magrini and Giovanni Bartolozzi

10.35 – 11.00   New trends in binder analysis: from the bronze age to medieval polychromes through MS based techniques.

Anna Lluveras-Tenorio, Sibilla Orsini, Alessia Andreotti, Leila Birolo, Giorgia Ntasi, Avinash Yadav, Liam A. McDonnell, Ilaria Bonaduce and Maria Perla Colombini

11.00 – 11.25   From the creation of a database to the first colour experience. Possible ways to communicate polychromy on ancient sculptures.

Cristiana Barandoni 

11.25 – 11.45   TEA/COFFEE

Session 6                                                                             Chair: Paolo Liverani

11.45 – 12.10   The polychromy of classical Greek sculpture: Reflections on research methodology.

Jan Stubbe Østergaard 

12.10 – 12.35   Who is to decide what is legitimate in art? On the friendship between Canova and Quatremère and the question of how to reconstruct ancient sculptural polychromy.

Amalie Skovmøller 

12.35 – 13.00   Reconstructing architectural polychromy at ancient Ostia.

Jesper Blid 

13.00 – 14.00   LUNCH (not provided)

Session 7                                                                             Chair: Brigitte Bourgeois

14.00 – 14.25   Rendering the original colours of Ancient Sculptures and Architecture in 3D Models via Experimentation: Cross-cultural and Methodological Approach.

Maud Mulliez 

14.25 – 14.50   The chromatic range of ancient pigments on a marble surface: a digital reconstruction.

Karolina Michałowska 

14.50 – 15.15   The Palette of Ancient Ritual.

Chelsea Graham and Andrés Garcés 

15.15 - 15.40   Aesthetics and Narrative of the Greek Bronze statues from the Quirinal hill in Rome: An archaeological experiment.

Vinzenz Brinkmann and Ulrike Koch-Brinkmann 

15.40 – 16.00   TEA/COFFEE

Session 8    Final Discussion                                               Chair: Thorsten Opper

16.00 – 16.25   Research strategies. Ways forward

16.25 – 16.50   An association for polychromy studies?

17.00   FINISH

Meeting of the international network to be held in Dept. Greece and Rome following the end of the final session.